Stakeholder Requirements Section Header

Consequences Of Stakeholder Requirementss

The consequences of conflicts might be significant for the user. Consider a reminder system for the home. Suppose a reminder has been set to take medication at 9 AM. Later that morning, the doctor remotely changes the time at which the patient is supposed to take medication to 11.00 AM. Unless the system tells the doctor that the patient has already taken medication earlier, the patient may be put at risk from accidental overdose. There are many scenarios such as this which are being addressed.

Further consequences of Stakeholder Requirementss could affect how the system operates and its overall stability. An unstable system which crashes or encounters errors is not obviously undesirable. First of all, if the system is not functioning then the user is not receiving the help required from the system. Secondly, if the system itself requires constant attention then engineers will be required to visit homes and address problems. System reliability is a key factor for home care systems to be successful. MATCH is therefore actively studying these issues to ensure confidence in the dependability of the system.
