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Basic Principles Of OSGi

The principles of exactly how the OSGi platform operates are extremely detailed. The main idea is to allow devices to communicate with other devices without the user having to do anything.

A simple example of this would be having to install software drivers before you can use a new printer - a time-consuming task. OSGi would mean that a device could be connected to the computer and it would work straight away.

The OSGi Service Platform builds upon the Java programming language. Java has an advantage over other languages since it is extremely portable, meaning that many different types of computer system can use Java by running software called a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This acts as a middle-man and converts Java into computer code which the host computer system can then understand.

The example below demonstrates the conversion.


The Service Platform takes this further by allowing the creation of modules or bundles which can dynamically change how a device functions on a network without restarting the computer or disconnecting the device. This is how devices can work without the user setting up special software.



