Welcome To The Match Technology Website

Using This Tutorial

This tutorial is designed to give you insight into the technologies being developed by the MATCH project. Some precision has been sacrificed for the sake of comprehensibility. The tutorial was created by Marc Esson and Ken Turner (University of Stirling), with contributions from all the MATCH Universities.

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What is the MATCH Project?

MATCH is a research project currently being conducted by teams from the Universities of Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling, focusing on technologies that can be implemented to make home care a more viable option for the future.

The MATCH Technologies

The project is broken down into four technical areas, with each university contributing its expertise.

Lifestyle Monitoring: University Of Dundee

Speech and Language: University Of Edinburgh

Multimodal Interaction: University Of Glasgow

Home Care Networks: University Of Stirling

Explaining The Technology

There are four main areas available on this site to allow you to explore what MATCH is investigating.

Each section details the different technologies that are being looked at by each University, explains how they work, and shows what the possiblities of using these are in the future.

Please click the area you wish to know more about on the menu to the left.

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