Computing Science and Mathematics
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Computing Science and Mathematics recognises that, while overall responsibility for Health and Safety is held by the University Court, part of this responsibility is devolved to the Head of this Division. The Head of Division is therefore committed to do all that is reasonably practicable to provide a safe and healthy environment for employees, and for others who may be affected by its activities such as students, contractors and visitors to the University.
Computing Science and Mathematics aims to:
- Make continuous improvements in health and safety.
- Make sure it is complying with current health and safety law and where possible set its own higher standards.
- Provide sufficient time and financial resources to enable and support its Health and Safety arrangements.
- Ensure all staff are informed of the divisional and University arrangements for Health and Safety and that all new staff attend the Fire and Safety Induction course provided by the Safety Office.
- Carry out risk assessment on divisional activities and equipment to ensure safe standards are maintained at all times.
- Plan and provide suitable training, information, instruction and supervision to ensure safe working practice is maintained.
- Make arrangements to consult between staff and management on health and safety issues relevant to the division and, when necessary, to report any health and safety issues to the University Health and Safety Committee.
- Ensure that all accidents and potential hazards are reported to the Safety Office without delay.
- Plan and carry out divisional Health and Safety inspections and initiate remedial action where required.
- Review the divisional health and safety policy annually or when required to do so, whichever is sooner.
Dr Kevin Swingler
Head of Division
01 August 2023

Computing Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling